29"x32" oil on canvas
This painting I wasn't sure how I'm suppose to work on it at the beginning but best way was to just get started anyway. Most of my paintings are start from a tiny sketches almost like scribbles so I have no idea what the final piece is going to be, may be that's what I love about painting. Instead of trying to describe objects I replace with brush markings. Each markings which have colors, shapes and textures are signals to my sensations and emotions. So I start thinking lately that a painting is a tapestry of my favorite makings. From one markings to the other my eyes wonder around in a painting, I would say it's like a little voyage on a canvas and furthermore markings appear slightly different depend on the time of the day. It's a never ending story once my eyes are trapped inside a painting wonder around from one strokes to the other. So I kept making markings all over this painting but at some point my eyes told me it's time to stop. My eyes were telling me that all marking seems happy together with neighboring markings. This painting appeared as a one piece as a whole.
#skybar #rooftopbar #travel #dating #nightlife #quaint #diningout #brushstroke